Wednesday, February 28, 2007

example code for BMP image display!

something I tried out for 256 colour bmp, with no attempt at cleanup [It is not hard after all!]:
Algorithm is here: The .bmp file format

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ImageDisplay.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <CommDlg.h>
using namespace std;

ifstream image(fileName);
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
// TODO: Add any drawing code here...
int dummy;
long dummyLong;
//read header*)&dummy, 2);
long size;
//read file size*)&size, 4);
long bitmapOffset;*)&dummyLong, 4);*)&bitmapOffset, 4);
long bitMapHeaderSize;*)&bitMapHeaderSize, 4);
long width;*)&width, 4);
long height;*)&height, 4);*)&dummy, 2);
int bitsPerPixel;*)&bitsPerPixel, 2);
bitsPerPixel = *((char*)&bitsPerPixel);
int test;*)&test, 2);
int paletteOffset;
int paletteSize;
paletteSize = 4* (1 << bitsPerPixel);
paletteOffset = bitmapOffset - paletteSize;
currentPalette = new unsigned char[paletteSize];
int l;
for(l = 0; l < paletteSize;++l) {*)&(currentPalette[l]), 1);
for(i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for(j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
unsigned char charVal = 0;*)&charVal, 1);
if(0 == charVal) {
int val = charVal* 4;
SetPixel(hdc, j, height-i,/*RGB(r, g, b)*/RGB(currentPalette[val+2], currentPalette[val+1], currentPalette[val]));
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007

cool talk about image processing

Nice one!
Recent Advances in Digital Processing of Images and Audio by Microsoft Distinguished Engineer Malvar!

Friday, February 23, 2007

solution to Interesting puzzle about baby girls!

Scheme solution to Interesting puzzle about baby girls!
;Written by Fakrudeen Ali Ahmed
;Date January 12, 2007
(define (try n tries)
(define (populate girls boys people tries)
(if (or (= tries 0) (= people 0)) (list girls boys)
(let ((moregirls (countgirls people))) (begin ;(display moregirls)(newline)
(populate (+ girls moregirls) (+ boys (- people moregirls)) (- people moregirls) (- tries 1))))
(populate 0 0 n tries)

(define (countgirls n)
(define (loop k count)
(if (> k n) count
(loop (+ k 1) (+ count (random 2)))
(loop 1 0)

(define (run file n limit repeat)(with-output-to-file file (lambda()(loop (lambda()(begin (display (try n limit))(newline))) repeat))))

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fastest way to fibonacci number!

;Written by Fakrudeen Ali Ahmed
;December 30, 2006

(define matrix-upperleft (lambda(x)(car x)) )
(define matrix-upperright (lambda(x)(cadr x)))
(define matrix-lowerleft (lambda(x)(caddr x)))
(define matrix-lowerright (lambda(x)(cadddr x)))

(define (mmul matrix1 matrix2)
; upperLeft*right.upperLeft + upperRight*right.lowerLeft,
(+ (* (matrix-upperleft matrix1) (matrix-upperleft matrix2))
(* (matrix-upperright matrix1) (matrix-upperright matrix2)))
; upperLeft*right.upperRight + upperRight*right.lowerRight,
(+ (* (matrix-upperleft matrix1) (matrix-upperright matrix2))
(* (matrix-upperright matrix1) (matrix-lowerright matrix2)))
; lowerLeft*right.upperLeft + lowerRight*right.lowerLeft,
(+ (* (matrix-lowerleft matrix1) (matrix-upperleft matrix2))
(* (matrix-lowerright matrix1) (matrix-lowerleft matrix2)))
; lowerLeft*right.upperRight + lowerRight*right.lowerRight);
(+ (* (matrix-lowerleft matrix1) (matrix-upperright matrix2))
(* (matrix-lowerright matrix1) (matrix-lowerright matrix2)))
(define b '(1 1 1 0))
(define i '(1 0 0 1))

(define (power-res n power value residue)
(mmul value value)
(if (= 0 (fix:and n power)) residue (mmul residue value))

(define (loop n power list)
(if (< (/ n 2) power) (mmul (car list) (cadr list)) (loop n (fix:lsh power 1) (power-res n power (car list) (cadr list))) )) (define (fib n) (cadr (loop n 1 (list b i))))

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Amazing equations!

When I was a school student these were the equations I was totally confused and amazed about:

c = 1 /√(μϵ) ---------- 1

I was confused what does speed of "normal" visible light has to do with current or magnet!

E = mc^2 ------------ 2

I was amazed this time, what the heck speed of light has to do with Energy! I didn't believe this 'c' is the same as speed of light the first time!


Saturday, February 10, 2007

MIT world: distributed intelligence - Great talks about varied topics. Science, Economics, poverty etc. Very good to spend time meaningfully!
I just now taking a talk about:
The World Turned Upside Down: The Impact of the Return of India and China to their Historical Global Weight