Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The worst system I have worked on!

If you get an error no way to find out what is the problem. Try doing random things till something works out.
You get beautiful errors like "unspecified error", "server is unwilling to process the request".

This should be taught to all computer engg. students to teach them how not to design a system.

This system was designed and implemented by brainless morons who decided that we kings will only implement features, error handling is for normal programmers.

Friday, August 17, 2007

C# lambda expressions

It is a welcome new addition!
Mainstream languages are asymptotically approaching functional languages?
But I didn't like that I can't apply it directly without assigning to a delegate:
That is I can't do

(i => i * i)(12)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Arcane C++ and ->

Think about this - how arcane C++ looks [may be because of its C roots].

The most common operation in C++ is accessing a field through a pointer. And for that you have to type 2 characters - and >.

Such a huge waste of time for so many people who coded in C++. It may not look much, but consider over the life so many programmers.

Atleast many programmers would have saved an year of their life!


One of my favourites!

Mr.Bean in swimming pool!


Monday, August 6, 2007

Cost of constant speed of light

Cost of constant speed of light [irrespective of speed of the person measuring] is there is no absolute time! Isn't it amazing.

Time is very specific to each observer having a specific velocity. This arises only because of constant speed of light.

absolute space by the way, is just meaningless concept when we think about it, though it looks commonsense.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Reliance and calling india

For indians living outside,
to call india this is the best quality and cheapest way I found so far.