Wednesday, April 23, 2008

man's unique trait!

I was thinking about religion and belief in supernatural.
I think hope and fear and this belief in supernatural is what I would define as the distinguishing feature of man.
No animal [other than man!] has this supernatural hope and unexplainable, meaningless fear bordering on paranoia.
More than rationality, I think irrationality and supernatural belief defines us as human beings!
[That is my reason to think, robots will never be human beings - they will be too perfect and too intelligent to be irrational - our brain makes "us" .
I am my brain. rest is appendage.
- Sherlock holmes
Our quest for spirituality defines us as human beings. In a sense our limitation in bruteforce arithmetic differentiates us from computers.
We are a product of our unique evolution! Even if another alien consciousness has evolved somewhere in the universe, it may not necessarily have these traits, because our "limitations" [spirituality etc.] may be very unique to us. It is very unlikely it traces the same evolutionary path, particularly with respect to flaws - I am sure it will evolve eye. But I am not so sure it will evolve religion!
I am not advocating belief in sai baba and all that nonsense. I would rather have knowledge than happiness! I am fine being Atheist but I don't think I am happy as one [exactly because of my evolution, I would think!].
That is not to say religion is harmless. How many poor people commit suicide bombing in the belief there is heaven and hoories! Sai baba and other exploitations are due to that too. Galileo faced all the problems because of religion.
A world full of hard rational atheists may not be very different from intelligent robots and not very intersting!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

DONT install IE8 beta

It is very hard to get rid of [you will want to almost as soon as you install it]
It is very unstable and crashes and once took the OS with it.

The worst thing is IE is now integrated into vista it is stupidly complex to replace IE8 with IE7. you can't delete files in IE directory because so many processes seem to load it.

I wasted so much time because of it.

This link might help, if you installed it anyway

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Article about food and global crisis!

He discusses about how biofuel and excessive meat in developed countries is screwing people around the world.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Food crisis!

Grains Gone Wild
Published: April 7, 2008
How did the food crisis happen? The answer is a combination of long-term trends, bad luck — and bad policy.

BTW, in india [as in many other countries] inflation is going up as well!

Note that bio ethanol actually screwing things up!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Frobenius series!

The other day I learned about frobenius series method to solve differential equations.
It was like flying in heaven! Nice and common sense way to solve.
Try solving one of legendre or lagurre differential equations with this method. You will absolutely love it.