Monday, July 28, 2008

Nice Daniel Dennett video about consciousness

I don't generally read or listen to philosophy if I can avoid - as I would very much prefer something actionable [a.k.a useful]- science or mathematics.
But this one is Good:
The Magic of Consciousness
It seems Daniel Dennett and John Searle [of chinese room fame] are changing by idea of philosophy.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

standard model of particle physics

To me standard model looks so ugly. It looks like so many things thrown around with no conceptual coherence.
Compare this to something like newton's gravity, maxwell equations or relativity.
It makes me stop reading physics, if this is the real explanation for things.
It looks like the Mendelev's periodic table without the explanation in terms of electron orbitals.

layman intuition of finite automata [regular expression]

A finite automata [or regular expression proper] is one which has no notion of 'n' with in it
it has no memory.
the things it solves can't be f(n) -
e.g aaaa ... ntimes followed by bbbbb ... n times
a^n b^n
can't be recognized by Finite automata - because it has no 'n'. it can understand only a constant notion in some sense.
It has to represent all the info. with in its state which should be finite [but can be very huge]. hence finite automata - compared to a machine with a stack [Pushdown automata] or general memory [turing machine].

So remember regex [proper - what is called regex in say C# is not regex proper]- no 'n'

how to play flv files

that is outside browser - I had to do this to play a video at


in summary install a codec and a splitter

Google books

It is a great effort from Google.
The other day I read "einstein's - relativity special and general theory" from Google books.
Also it is easier to read from screen sometimes than holding books.
I can watch say bbc news on the side in the same screen.
I don't know what they gain from this.
But a great effort nevertheless.

Monday, July 21, 2008

flash player fullscreen slow

To fix this right click to goto settings and uncheck the box saying "enable hardware accelaration"