Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why animals die, but plants live forever?

I am just wondering what is it that makes animals die while plants seem to live forever. Why doesn't plant have "lethal genes"? Why don't they age [in the negative sense - wrinkles, menopause etc.] -
For example, is it hearts and brains - which are worth having despite them being prone to failure? Plants don't have either of them - their vascular system works through specialized cells passing on materials up and down [like construction workers passing bricks as opposed to water flow through pipes]. If they are prone to failure why are they so in the first place? Why can't heart cells and nerve cells be replaced [like the cells of trees "year rings"]? Or is it due to clogging of pipes [blood vessels]?

Particularly menopause as standard behaviour [instead of recessive] is very confusing! Why would evolution evolve this behaviour? Particularly see the effect it has on highly career oriented women - [not in any derogatory sense - it is their choice, although I would never marry such a woman myself]!

Why I like US!

I won't mention obvious differences due to it being a developed country compared to say India or Egypt with its infrastructure, freedom, democracy etc.

Following are I think pretty unique to US in no particular order:

1. Best people from a lot of countries are here - Atleast they had the energy to getup and take the struggle of immigration, compared to average TV watching, easy go population and at best they are really the very best of the countries like India, China etc.
2. It has no [single] identity called american - which leads to easier integration into american "identity" and unbelievable tolerance [compare the situation in India where 2 villages fight with each other, 2 castes fight with each other, 2 religions fight with each other etc.]
3. People here, really work hard [but not as crazy as Japanese] say compared to Europe. If all countries were like EU countries - [breastfeeding the populace, 30 hours work, killing the enterpreneaurial spirit and competition - (we can't run so we will penalize you for running fast)], humanity will stagnate and die away in a few generations.
I think US strikes right balance here.
4. US companies provide employment for a lot of world population compared to any other country directly [Most of the other countries are overwhelmingly dominated by natives] or indirectly [how many have been lifted out of poverty in China through say walmart goods]
5. It has world's best universities - Science and technology is easily humanity's single most important achievement - for example that feeds burgeoning population in India and explains how I am here through Evolution - art, literature etc. comes in long after essentials are met.

Only country I can think of matching US in a small scale is Britain.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lasik Surgery

Lasik Surgery: When the Fine Print Applies to You
Published: March 13, 2008
After undergoing Lasik sugery, most patients are quite satistfied. But all surgery carries a risk.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Relative harm of various drugs!

Yes - Alcohol is #5 on the list compared to LSD, cannabis or ecstasy!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why complex vector space inner product is defined with conjugate symmetry?

If you don't use conjugate but simple symmetry it will produce a contradiction with the axiom X . X >= 0

assume X.Y = Y. X

X.X >=0

=> c1 X . c1 X >= 0 [where c1 is a complex number with an imaginary part]

=> c1 (c1 X . X) > = 0 by linearity

=> c1 (X . c1 X) > = 0 by symmetry

=> c1 . (c1 ( X. X) )>= 0 by linearity

=> (c1 . c1) . (X.X) > = 0 by associativity of complex numbers

which is a contradiction.

to see this, if you take c1 = i [square root of -1]

=> -1 (X.X) >= 0

=> (X.X) <= 0

cool, right?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Evolution videos in Google videos

There are nice set of videos in Google videos about Evolution - MUST see:
PBS Nova Evolution Episode number three (3), maned "Extinction" Documentary. (3rd out of 7)