Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why animals die, but plants live forever?

I am just wondering what is it that makes animals die while plants seem to live forever. Why doesn't plant have "lethal genes"? Why don't they age [in the negative sense - wrinkles, menopause etc.] -
For example, is it hearts and brains - which are worth having despite them being prone to failure? Plants don't have either of them - their vascular system works through specialized cells passing on materials up and down [like construction workers passing bricks as opposed to water flow through pipes]. If they are prone to failure why are they so in the first place? Why can't heart cells and nerve cells be replaced [like the cells of trees "year rings"]? Or is it due to clogging of pipes [blood vessels]?

Particularly menopause as standard behaviour [instead of recessive] is very confusing! Why would evolution evolve this behaviour? Particularly see the effect it has on highly career oriented women - [not in any derogatory sense - it is their choice, although I would never marry such a woman myself]!

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