Sunday, May 19, 2013

How long does it take to jump from San francisco bridge?

How long does it take to jump from San francisco bridge? That is how long a person would be in free-fall?

Golden gate bridge elevation is 67 meters.

So using high school physics:

 distance = 1/2 g t^2

67 = 1/2 * 9.8 * t^2

This gives in my scheme interpreter for time of 3.7 seconds:

(expt (/ (* 67 2) 9.8) 1/2)

;Value: 3.697765458727081


What would his speed be at the time of his free-fall experience broken?

 speed = gt

(* 9.8 (expt (/ (* 67 2) 9.8) 1/2))

;Value: 36.2381014955254

That is 36.24 m/s!


(* 3.6 (* 9.8 (expt (/ (* 67 2) 9.8) 1/2)))

;Value: 130.45716538389144

 130 KM per hour or close 81 M/hour - Nasty!


What would be the force?

F = d(MV)/dt

So for a person of 70 KG, assuming the final splash down happens in 1 micro-sec in Newtons:

(/ (* 70 (* 3.6 (* 9.8 (expt (/ (* 67 2) 9.8) 1/2)))) .01)

;Value: 913200.15768724

This is equivalent to 91 TON on top of the person - or close to 45 elephants on Top crushing the bones! Not very nice way to go!

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