Saturday, May 18, 2013

My reasons for evolution being true

My reasons for evolution being true or should I say for evolution being obvious, at least in hind sight?  In particular, why human beings are just another animal species although with some remarkable abilities, in particular in brain.

1.  Chimpanzee

When we see a Chimpanzee It looks remarkably similar to us. If we are special why do these guys look very similar to us? Just to fool us in to thinking that we are their cousins? In fact, to me these guys are the 'missing' link! Only an idiot can miss the link...

2. DNA

Why do we have the same DNA made up of same 4 bases [Adenine, Thymine, Cytosin, Guanine]? Why didn't we get created through some other genetic code. This makes it look very very obvious that we evolved from same animals [more exactly from our common ancestors].

3. Germs and diseases

We get pretty much the same diseases as other animals from very similar viruses and bacteria. For example, we get swine flu - So pigs and humans have to be quite a bit similar for these viruses to survive in both the species. In fact we are very similar - we are both mammals.

4.  Breast feeding

Both woman and other female animals breast [or udder] feed their young through nipples in very similar ways. It is striking in particular for other primates.

5. Kangaroo

Why are no Kangaroos to be found in say India, United States or Germany? If every species are specially created there is no particular reason to place all species of Kangaroos in Australia or near by.  Why not place red kangaroo in Australia and Grey one in say India?

Doesn't the geographical distribution of all animals make it very clear, all closely related animals evolved from their common ancestor which happened to be in one particular geographical location. 

Before the invention of air planes, one particular species had to be in close proximity for reproduction and survival. It is another matter, now we have become planetary wide pests like cockroaches or rats.

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