Saturday, December 29, 2007

Google maps

Google maps has 2 very nice features for people [say foreigners ] who don't like to drive much:

1. Take public transit
2. avoid highways

It is very nice! And in a way it shows they are caring for environment! I really applaud them for these features.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Google analytics!

It is very nice! It gives all the statistics about a website!
And it is very simple - just go and signup and add a bit of javascript to your site and you are done!

Soap vs REST

Nice comparison of REST vs SOAP for Web services:

My take is REST is really simple and nice to build query dominating type of webservices like google or amazon. [More like automating opening an URI in a browser]

But for real enterprise type business processes SOAP is the way to go although it takes more time to build on it. It is too much of complexity for simple services.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

straight line!

Ever wondered what is a straight line?

[try to define it without the notion of a distance! - what mathematicians call topological space - not necessarily metric space]

Here is a definition:
straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on itself.

plucking your hair trying to parse the sentence?
BTW, it is by none other than great Euclid!

Newton's sin list!!

What a great man! He is to me the greatest of all men ever lived!
Humanity would have lost the most, if he was not born among anyone ever lived!

Nice to learn he is so innocent!

[I know, I know, he was not at all friendly type - too serious for fun!]

He is after all a man and why can't he have his own set of flaws and "sins"

Some "sins":
1. Punching my sister
2. Peevishness with my mother.
3. With my sister.
4. Fearing man above Thee!

If only every one were sinful like this!
I love this man!

length and time are discrete (granular)?

I think space and time [which is one and the same thing because you can convert one to another by just going fast! and light speed connnects the length and time - in fact that's how unit of length is defined nowadays] ultimately has to be discrete.

Think about this:
How do we measure time?
By some periodic process like sunrise or motion of pendulam or nowadays oscillations of quartz crystals etc.
Notice that we are gradually improving the smallest unit ["quantum"] of time we can measure.

In fact time is nowadays defined as:

The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.

So currently it is smallest unit of time we can measure roughly 10^-10 of a second.
Breathtaking by human standards but think about it:
it is only mere 10 positions after decimal point. To goto continous time we need millions and millons of digits!

But any physical periodic process will have an ultimate period. Pick the smallest of such a process. That has to be the smallest unit of time with any meaning. what does it mean to say 1/2 of that time? 1/10 of it? how do you measure, "feel" it? what about √2 part of it?
To me period of that process is the ultimate quantum of time.

In fact in my view, real numbers themselves are huge mathematical abstraction living in plato's world. It is no better [in fact worse] than complex numbers!

Now since time is discrete, space has to be too.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

IE7 search providers

IE 7 has the nice feature to add different search providers in its search bar.

For example to add google maps search:
1)search for something in Google say 'furniture'
2) and get the link for search all results like the one below:,+Redmond,+WA+98052&sll=47.646074,-122.129383&sspn=0.012403,0.033624&ie=UTF8&filter=0&oi=lwp_thresh&sa=X

3) and goto find more providers and in "create your own" box add the link by replacing 'furniture' with TEST and give the name "google maps"

Now you can directly search from IE7 into google maps.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Good introduction to Topology!

Very nicely written.

I enjoyed reading ephsilon -delta notation after long time!

Dr David Wilkins is really doing a service by putting it on the web!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Auto hotkey!

I found this very useful.
I was looking for a software which would allow me to map increase/decrease volume to some keyboard keys. This does the job very nicely!
[I have mapped +/- volume to win + up/down arrow keys!]

This has a very simple and intuitive scripting language and auto record function!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Nice multilingual dictionary

Here is a nice dictionary:

You can type words in any language in English. It gives the meaning of these words [in English.]